Dry Eye occurs when you produce fewer or poorer quality tears and are unable to maintain normal eye lubrication. Signs of Dry Eye include foreign body sensation, itching, burning or stinging, excessive watering, redness, ‘tired’ eyes and contact lens discomfort.
Spectrum Théa Pharmaceuticals Ltd is an ophthalmic company dedicated to improving eye health care problems.
Dry Eye Description Product DetailsThis examination is for patients who have eye problems of an acute nature. It can also be used to accept referrals from another healthcare provider. It enables patients to be seen in their community, and reduces the strain placed on the Hospital eye services.
Furthermore, following significant advanced training, we are now able to offer appointments under the WGOS 5 system, which allows a wide range of medication to be prescribed for the eye.
Following legislative changes in 2023, Wales General Ophthalmic Services (WGOS) replaced General Ophthalmic Services (Wales) (GOS[W]), Eye Health Examination Wales (EHEW), Low Vision Services Wales (LVSW), and many various local enhanced service pathways.
Contact Us for DetailsLow Vision Service Wales is a scheme to enable Optometrists to determine a person's residual vision and then to improve this with various Optical and non-Optical devices. These devices are provided at no cost to the patient and can make a huge difference to the quality of life of our senior patients. We will also provide information about additional services available within the local area to support you.
We can now Certify people as sight impaired, allowing access to the extensive range of help and benefits which this provides.
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